
Fra: dadwatch <>
Til: “Arne Flaaten“ <>, ““
Cc: “Allan Ødum“ <
Emne: RE: Farvel
Dato: 16. oktober 1999 22:37

Dear Mr. Klintbol.

It is due to the behaviour and conduct of lawyers like you, in custody cases whom i consider unethical, that we DADS have such a problem.

These lawyers have no morals, no understanding and least of all compassion and sympathy for the child involved who is sitting in the middle.

The damage that yr profession is doing in this area is beyond calculation.

Some of these children, depending on the Alienation, caused by the mother and therefore the lawyer, suffer some or all of the following: 1) enormous grief at loosing a parent, 2) have nightmares, 3) lack concentration at school, 4) suffer humility in the eyes of others, 5) suicidal tendencies, 6) depressions, 7) become losers later in life, 8) have great difficulty in socialising when young and older, 9) having a trusting relationship later in life with a man. 10) Finding themselves in the hands of these crazy Psychos.

It has been found that the major problem *hits* them between the age of 25 and 30, for it is then that they realize what they have missed and understand what their mother has done to them.

Deprived them of a parent and a DAD.

Just for cash in your pocket.


Gordon Wynn-Green
A Member of Aktive Fedre, Norway
Dybingveien 15 Vatne
4309 Sandnes
Tele/Fax: (47)51621940
We will fight until hell freezes over (Dadwatch)
and then we will fight them on the Ice.

-----Original Message-----
From: Arne Flaaten []
Sent: Friday, October 15, 1999 6:48 PM
Cc: Gordon Wynn-Green; Allan Ødum
Subject: Farvel

Til Bjarne Klintbøl

Jeg har lige læst at du deponerer din advokatbestalling, og det er jeg da ikke særlig ked af. Jmf. din befatning med Allan Ødum.

Jeg håper du gør det samme når det gælder den forening du står for også. Den har ikke meget værdi i mine øjne så længe du står for den - ikke uden at du skifter navn på den til fx Mor og Børn, men det er nu min egen personlige opfatning.

Med hilsen
Arne Flaaten
Single- & Parttime Parents.